Christmas in the Shack

Christmas in the Shack


Danny, Mark, and the Jons present their Christmas special.
One of the many major problems with producing podcasts is that of who you get to do it, or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarise: it is a well-known and much limited fact that those people who most want to produce podcasts are ipso facto those lists duty to do it. To summarise the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made a podcast producer should a no account be allowed to do the job. To summarise the summary of the summary: people are a problem.

And so this is the situation we find: a succession of podcast producers who so much enjoy the fun and palavra of being in power that they never really noticed that they're not. And somewhere in the shadows behind them, who? Who can possibly rule, if no one who wants to can be allowed to?

Creators and Guests

Danny Smith
Danny Smith
Writer and malcontent. Co-wrote Pier Review with Jon Bounds. His new book is Staring Death in the Face.
Jon Bounds
Jon Bounds
Marxist with ‘70s sitcom fixation. Edits Paradise Circus, writes books on Birmingham and piers.
Jon Hickman
Jon Hickman
Author of 101 Things Birmingham Gave the World, and Birmingham: It’s Not Shit: 50 Things That Delight About Brum.
Mark Steadman
Mark Steadman
Mark makes podcasts, music, books, and things to help creative people get out of their own way.